Nabila Az-Zahra

Commanding His Prophet in the Qur’an, Almighty Allah says:
And warn them of the Day of regret, as the Command is decreed, and they are in a state of heedlessness, and they do not believe. (Maryam 19:39)
On that day, horrors of unspeakable scale will be seen, no way of escape will be found, and all hopes for salvation will be dashed. That will be the condition of the disbelievers who led their lives in this world in denial and heedlessness of Allah’s religion and far removed from His obedience. All sources of trouble and pain in this world pale in comparison to one moment spent in Hell. This can be better imagined when we think of the fact that Hell represents the boundless power and might of Allah. Can there possibly be anything more painful and dreadful? Of course, the answer is NO.
This is the most important day at all...
Nabila Az-Zahra
By: Shabir Ali

(1) Intimate:
It dares you to disprove it. How? It says that humans can not write a book like this even if they pooled all their resources together and got help also from the spirits. The Quran said this fourteen hundreds years ago and yet no one has been able to disprove it. Billions of books have been written - but not another one like the Quran.

(2) Incorruptible:
It is the only religious sacred writing which has been in circulation for such a long time and yet remains as pure as it was in the beginning. The Quran was kept intact. Nothing was added to it; nothing was changed in...
Nabila Az-Zahra

It is a must that we strive to know Islam. Allâh’s  Messenger (sallallâhu  ‘alayhi wasallam, meaning: May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  to the whole mankind encourages us to acquire knowledge of Islam in order to comprehend it.  He  says in the following authentic Ahâdith:
Abu Hurairah   (radhiallâhu anhu, meaning: May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that... the Prophet  (sallallâhu  ‘alayhi wasallam) said, “Those who were the best in the pre-lslamic period of ignorance will be the best in Islam provided they comprehend the religious knowledge.”   (Bukhâri 4/572 and Muslim)...
Nabila Az-Zahra
Islam is a monotheistic religion based upon the Qur’an, which adherents believe was sent by God (Arabic: Allāh) through Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Followers of Islam, known as Muslims (Arabic: مسلم), believe Muhammad (pbuh) to have been God’s final prophet; most of them see the historic record of the actions and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) related in the Sunnah and Hadith as indispensable tools for interpreting the Qur’an.
Like Judaism and Christianity, Islam is considered an Abrahamic religion. With a total of approximately 1.4 billion adherents, Islam is the...
Nabila Az-Zahra
Isteri yang sholihah, dialah yang qanaah.
Yang tahu hari tak selalu cerah tapi dia tak berubah.

Istri yang sholihah itu tidak harus kaya, kalau pun kaya Alhamdulillah.
Dia juga tidak harus cantik, kalau pun cantik itu hadiah
Isteri yang sholihah itu adalah yang qana’ah, senangnya berada di rumah.
Keluar rumah hanya untuk belanja atau pergi bersamasuaminya.
Nabila Az-Zahra
Untuk membentuk bibir yg menawan, ucapkanlah kata-kata kebaikan. Untuk mendapatkan mata yg indah, carilah kebaikan pada setiap orang yg anda jumpai. Untuk mendapatkan bentuk badan yg langsing, bagilah makanan kpd mereka yg kelaparan. Untuk mendapatkan rambut yg indah, mintalah anak kecil utk menyisirnya dgn jemari pd setiap hari. Untuk membentuk sikap tubuh yg indah, berjalnlah dgn segala ilmupngetahuan dan anda tidak akn pernah berjalan sendiri.
Nabila Az-Zahra
Sist and Bro...
banyak dr qta yg suka ngeNET bkn..?? bhkan seakan tiada hr tnpa visiting hal yg satu ini. Disadari atau tidak, sering kita lewatin waktu bgtu sja d dpn layar monitor yg trkoneksi dg internet. Saat browsing tugas, searching artikel etc kita kadang terganggu dg banyak hal sehingga tugas jg terbengkalai atau waktu yg terbuang terlalu lama. nah.. dalam hal ini boleh dong q bagi2 tips gimana cara ngeNET yang sehat..
First, tentukan tujuan ngeNET. Misalnya browsing pengetahuan, email, upload, ato apapun. Afterwards, kelola waktu dengan baik, usahakan se-efisien mungkin. Next, hindari spam di email. Finally, waspadai chatting, facebook, twitter, and the other social networking. Insya Allah, waktu kita di dunia maya akan lebih bermanfaat. Met mencoba yyah... ^_^
Nabila Az-Zahra
Did The Cat Get Your Tongue?

What you can do to improve your spoken English?
One of the English teachers at our university got into a taxi one day, and as she talked with the driver, she noticed that he had very good spoken English, better, in fact, than that of some of her students ! “Where did you learn your English?” she asked. “Oh” he replied, “I never went to secondary school. I drive a taxi everyday, but while I’m driving around, I listen to the English radio stations. And if an English-speaking passengers gets in, I try to start a conversation with them. That’s how I learn my English!”
There are many things which contribute to good spoken English, but an important question for you is this: to what extent are your attitudes similar to those of the taxi drives? Are you willing to try to start a conversation with an English speaker? Or do you feel as if “the cat did get your tongue”? –That whenever you try to speak English, your tongue won’t behave it self and you can hardly make a sound?
How then can you improve your spoken English? How can you try to put your resolution to improve into practice? In the ELT Unit Fact Sheet No.1, we have given some important advice about your attitude towards language learning and towards making a plan for improvement. Here we will suggest some concrete things you can do on your own (for little or no money) to improve your English – spoken English in particular.
Nabila Az-Zahra
The Front Office of ABA SINEMA

When you firstly open the door made from glasses in front of this building, you will find the front office, the first room in the first floor f our college’s building. The room is about 3 meters width and 6 meters length. The white colored ceramics floor and the white painted wall of the room make a clean and fresh sight to everyone inside. The wall is beautify with an announcement board in the south corner wall and a printing written ABA SINEMA Yogyakarta n the east one. Then, air conditioner is accompanied by a white circle clock on the top of the north wall. There are two glass entrance doors: in the south side and in the north one. If you enter from the south door, you will face a staff table with a couple guest chairs. There are three glasses water in line available for the lecturers on the table. A chair for the staff will not to be forgotten always on the place: behind the glass staff table. When you look your right side you will find a unit of computer stands calm on the table with its chair. You can use the computer to get any information because it is connected with internet. The computer is usually used by student’s of ABA SINEMA although sometimes the staffs also use it. it is accompanied by a set of printer which always on the small glass table in the east of the computer. There is also a pot of beautiful green plastic plant beautify the room. The pot is taken place in the center between the staff table and the small one. Next to them, in the south east corner there is a big enough shelf standing there with a student’s files in beautiful row and a dark blue telephone available on it. the left side of you is the other staff table and as a work room for other staff.
Nabila Az-Zahra
Kiss Me

Kiss me, out of the bearded barley

Nightly, beside the green, green grass

Swing, swing, swing the spinning step

You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress

Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight

Lead me out on the moonlit floor

Lift your open hand

Strike up the band and make the fireflies

Dance silver moon's sparkling, so kiss me

Kiss me down by the broken tree house

Swing me upon its hanging tire

Bring, bring, bring your flowered hat

We'll take the trail marked on your father's map

Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight

Lead me out on the moonlit floor

Lift your open hand

Strike up the band and make the fireflies

Dance silver moon's sparkling, so kiss me

Kiss me beneath the milky twilight

Lead me out on the moonlit floor

Lift your open hand

Strike up the band and make the fireflies SDance

Dance silver moon's sparkling, so kiss me

So kiss me

So kiss me
Nabila Az-Zahra
Lagu ini sering kita dengar dan sering pula kita nyanyikan. Saat menyanyikan lagu ini kita pun sering merasakan ada sesuatu yang indah dan luar biasa hebat tentang sosok seorang Ibu.
Di sessi ini, kita belajar yuk menyanyikannya dengan Bahasa Arab.

Kasih Ibu

Kasih Ibu kepada beta
Hubbu ummi tijahan nafsi

Tak terhingga sepanjang masa
La akhsihi tiwala ‘umri

Hanya memberi tak harap kembali
Innama tu’ ti la tarju jaza i

Bagai sang surya menyinari dunia
Ka anna syamsa tunawiru dunyaya

Kosa kata

Bahasa Arab Bahasa Inggris Bahasa Indonesia

Tilmidzun Student Murid
Saahatun Tree Pohon
Maidaanun Field Lapangan
Madrosatun School Sekolah
Mazro’atun Rice field Sawah
Funduuqun Hotel Hotel
Mashna’un Factory Pabrik
Math’amun Restaurant Restoran
Syajarotun House yard Halaman rumah
Nabila Az-Zahra
Daniel: “Where do you put your book, dear?”
Sarah: “It is on the table, the nearest one.”
Daniel: “thanks, I’ve got it”

When you read or hear this conversation, I am sure that you will easily know what is the meaning of the verb ‘put’ on the sentences. But have you know that the verb ‘put’ will have a different meaning in other sentences or other context? Let me tell you more!

Each sentence below contain the verb ‘put’. The verb has a different meaning in each sentence.

• The children put up their tent in the middle of a field. (=mendirikan)
• They put out the fire and crept into their tent. (=memadamkan)
• I put on my coat and left the house. (=memakai)
• You needn’t go back to London tonight. We can put you up for the night. (we can provide you with a bed) (=memberi penginapan)
• The teacher sent the boy to the headmaster. He could not put up with him any longer. (he could not stand him) (=tidak tahan)
• Take out your note-books. Put down all sentences that are on the blackboard. (write all the sentences…) (=tulis/catat)
• We cannot have the meeting tonight. We shall have to put it off until tomorrow. (we have to postpone it) (=menunda)
• Close your books and put them away. (=simpan)

Well, now you have known the verb ‘put’ in several kinds of sentences. Have a nice learning…!
Nabila Az-Zahra
Nabila Az-Zahra
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